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Believe, Achieve, Succeed

Stalyhill Junior School


After school sports clubs are cancelled on Tuesday 21th May, Wednesday 22nd May and Thursday 23rd May.
A Search

Year 4

Dear Parents/Carers of pupils in Year 4,


Timetable news

 Our PE days are Tuesday afternoon (swimming) and Wednesday mornings (dance) until the end of term.

Please remember to have the correct PE kit in school all week. Long hair must be tied back for P.E. Earrings are not allowed to be worn in PE lessons. Please ensure your child can remove earrings themselves. 



Children will be allocated reading books at school. If they do read to you at home, please feel free to add any comments in your child's planner. Children can change their reading books once a week. Shared reading and discussion of the story are very helpful. Please encourage your child to read with expression and to express opinions about the characters in the story, the plot, and what might happen next to further develop their inference skills.



English and Maths homework will be uploaded weekly on Google Classroom. This is a mixture of online and written learning. 


We also recommend your children use or alternative websites such as TopMarks and TTRockstars to practise all their times tables.


If you would like to do additional English & Maths work at home with your child, we recommend the Year Four workout books, published by cgpbooks, which can be purchased on line (


Please see our curriculum page for guidance and information on specific subjects. 



We would ask that all children arrive punctually in the morning. School starts at 8.45 am, we would recommend that your child/ren are ready to line up at approximately 8.40am. We are keen for the children to have a prompt start to the day in order to focus the children on their learning.


Health and Safety

Please ensure your child brings a named bottle to school every day, filled only with water. 

We have hand sanitisers available for use for all the children; however, if your child has an allergy or has had a reaction, please contact school to let us know they are bringing their own in. 



Please ensure your entire child's uniform and PE kit is named.  Headbands and bobbles should be functional and match the school colour scheme. 



Urgent messages can be passed to the teachers via Mrs Pritchard in the school office, by phone (0161 3384290) or e-mail (


If you wish to contact the teachers please use your child’s planner and have them pass this to their class teacher on the day.


If you have any queries please do not hesitate to contact us.


Kind Regards,

Mr Fuller and Mr Carlisle

